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Systems Support.

Support from a Business LOG technician specializing in systems activities.

Description of the service

Business LOG’s systems support service involves support from a technical expert in systems activities, who works directly with the organization’s IT team to ensure optimal software implementation.

The service is provided remotely via remote assistance software or, alternatively, at the customer’s site.

Who is the service intended for?

Business LOG’s System Support service is designed for organizations that need specialized technical assistance to ensure a smooth and secure implementation of software within their IT infrastructure.

Available modes of execution

The service can be provided:

  • Remotely,
    Performed by a remotely connected technician.
  • Client Headquarters,
    Performed with a technician physically present at the customer’s location.

How the service works?

The service covers a wide range of technical activities essential to ensure that the customer’s IT environment is configured correctly and securely for Business LOG operation. Specific activities include:

  • Virtual Machine Creation,
    Configuration and creation of a virtual machine within the customer’s virtual environment, using platforms such as VMware or Hyper-V, to ensure that the Business LOG software runs properly in the desired environment.
  • Domain Policy Setting,
    Configuring domain policies necessary for proper operation of Business LOG and additional plug-ins, ensuring that the software is securely integrated and conforms to the organization’s guidelines.
  • Active Directory User Creation and Configuration,
    Creation of a specific user in Active Directory (AD) to start the BlogService service, with careful configuration of the settings needed to ensure stable and secure operation of the service.
  • Preventive Infrastructure Verification,
    Preliminary check of the status of the existing IT infrastructure, including virtual environment, Active Directory, Group Policy Objects (GPOs), and Domain Name System (DNS), to identify and resolve any problems that might affect the proper functioning of Business LOG.
  • Check after installation in case of problems,
    Follow-up monitoring and in-depth diagnosis in case of software malfunctions, to determine whether the problems encountered are caused by the infrastructure or other configurations, and not directly by the software itself.

Average time of engagement

The average time frame for engagement is 10-15 working days.